
He came to the Living God as an ordinary guy

He came to the Living God as an ordinary guy

Viktor was born and lived in a village near Rivne. He went to school, did housework, and loved fishing. The young man grew up without a father, so he was raised by street companies: frequent visits to clubs, smoking, obscene language – all this became an integral part of his life. His mother forbade him to communicate with “friends”, and yet the young man was attracted by a sense of permissiveness.

From early childhood, grandmother took little Vitya to the church: Sunday school, joyful holidays, pleasant communication with people of the same age. He even had a big dream – to become a preacher in the future.

As time passed, friends from the church faded into the background, and street companies became more and more attractive… Bad habits, friendship with «cool» people, and now it was time to choose: to do as you want, or to devote your life to the service of God. Victor understood that you can’t be both a christian and a sinner at the same time. So he chose the latter.

The student years began, which were no less interesting during school life. But over time, everything became boring; he got the understanding from God that it wasn’t what he needed to live for.

Once he was invited to a Christian camp by an old friend. This radically changed his lifestyle. Victor did not want to go and refused as long as he could. Surprisingly, his mother and grandmother urged him to accept the invitation, and the young man decided to go to the camp.

At the camp evening meeting, the Lord touched Vitya’s heart and told him that He would give him firm faith and strength to change his life. Now Victor faced a difficult task – to quit smoking. It was really difficult, because this habit hung on the soul like a burden for 6 years. And God freed him from addiction, and at the same time gave him a new life, real joy and freedom from sin. And later He gave him the family: in the camp of the «Christ is the answer» church Victor met his future wife.

Over time, Vitya became a missionary. He was no longer interested in those short-term pleasures that brought only harm. Now he has joy in the Lord, hope for eternal life, and a very important goal-to tell everyone around him about the great love of God. 

Created 27 May 2020 13:35


All areas of service of the community are carried out through voluntary donations of caring people. The most important thing is not the size of the donation, but the attitude and condition of the heart. God sees our needs and seeks to deprive us of our worries. He also wants to see the love and sacrifice of our grateful hearts. «Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver!» (2 Cor. 9:7).


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