
A missionary conference of the «Christ is the Answer» mission was held in the Carpathians

But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord
Joshua 24:15
Created 8 December 2021 16:13

A missionary conference of the «Christ is the Answer» mission was held in the Carpathians

70 missionaries and ministers from 13 regions of Ukraine became participants of the fifth reporting conference of the «Christ is the Answer» mission, which took place from September 21 to 25 in the village of Mezhyhiria (Transcarpathian region).

The motto of this year’s conference was the biblical words from the book of Joshua: «But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.» (Joshua 24:15) That is why the focus was on family relations and parenting. Pastor Taras Sen preached on the topic «Where are your children?», Bishop Rostyslav Murakh spoke about the biblical principles of family happiness.
«A good emphasis on family values, recreation, communication, meeting new people. It’s one thing when you communicate with them virtually, and quite another when you see them in reality» – Dmytro Yelnikov, missionary, Donetsk region.
Every day missionaries from different regions of Ukraine talked about their ministry, new achievements, and experience in preaching the Gospel. The organizers prepared a family meeting, at which those present received wise advice from the ministers and had a good rest.
«It’s great to get to know those people who work in different parts of Ukraine, face challenges and share methods of overcoming them. It is really a great honor and joy to be among the servants of God» – Marina Poltavets, an employee of the office of the mission in the city of Kyiv.
The participants visited Gemba Mountain, Shypit Waterfall, Synevyr Pass, Synevyr Lake and the museum in Kolochava village.
Bishop Anatolii Bezkrovnyi spoke about how to deal with despair and fear. In order for such feelings not to have power over a person, it is necessary to seek God more through prayer and reading the Bible.
«It was a wonderful time for me to communicate and share experiences. I believe that God founded this mission so that it would move forward and not stop» – Andrii Vasenda, missionary, the city of Ternopil.
For 5 years, the servants of the «Christ is the Answer» mission:
1. Printed 5 million copies of the newspaper of the same name and 1 million christian calendars.
2. Placed 300 billboards in different cities of Ukraine.
3. Organized 26 trips to the Carpathians for thousands of people.
4. Recorded and aired 5 thousand TV programs on 9 TV channels.
5. New churches were opened, 9 buildings for Houses of Prayer were purchased.
6. Dozens of missionaries are supported on an ongoing basis.
7. Thousands of food packages were distributed in different regions of Ukraine
8. Organized face-to-face clinics in 10 regions of Ukraine, where thousands of people received free medical advice and glasses, and heard the Gospel.
9. Held dozens of children’s camps and hundreds of evangelistic events for children.
10. 50 evangelization tents have been set up in 17 regions.
11. Carry out active spiritual, educational and social work: they give lectures in educational institutions, help in prisons, hospitals, rehabilitation centers for alcohol and drug addicts.
12. Prepared and published two board games: «Questions for communication» and «Bible Questions».
13. Actively working in social networks: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube.
14. Started working in Ethiopia: support missionary activities, print a Christian newspaper, held the first crusade and are preparing for the next one, conducted an eye clinic.
15. Work in Kenya and Nepal.

Created 8 December 2021 16:13


All areas of service of the community are carried out through voluntary donations of caring people. The most important thing is not the size of the donation, but the attitude and condition of the heart. God sees our needs and seeks to deprive us of our worries. He also wants to see the love and sacrifice of our grateful hearts. «Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver!» (2 Cor. 9:7).


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