
Camp in the Carpathians with the «Christ is the answer» mission

But we preach Christ crucified...
1 Cor. 1:23
Created 8 July 2021 12:32

Camp in the Carpathians with the «Christ is the answer» mission

On July 3, the participants of the camp in the Carpathians returned from a 6-day trip with the «Christ is the answer» mission, this is the 24th trip in 4 years.

Almost all vacationers saw the mountains for the first time. 65 residents of the Rivne region in a short time managed to visit Bukovel and the dinosaur Park, walk the Dovbush trails, hear the noise of the Guk waterfall and conquer Mount Rokyta by jeep. The mission paid the cost of the trip to three children from a family with financial difficulties.

During the day, the attendants organized excursions, quizzes and contests, and even inflated a trampoline for the children. At the daily meetings, the presenters raised topics about God, analyzed practical life issues. At that time, the children were engaged in Sunday school: teachers explained Bible truths to the children in an accessible way, organized contests and helped with handmade.

A special feature of each camp is a picnic. The taste of porridge cooked over a fire and the aroma of hot tea can not be compared with a homemade dinner. In the evenings, the camp participants gathered around the campfire, shared their impressions and sang songs, while the children ate popcorn and cotton candy.

«Despite the fact that the vacationers did not know each other, from the very beginning, a friendly atmosphere was established in our team. God has saved us from troubles and accidents. People got emotional relief and did not hide their joy. Vacationers were touched by the fact that we take orphans and children from low-income families with us for free» – Taras Sen, pastor of the «Christ is the Answer» church.

The team’s list was formed long before the trip, the places were over, and the volunteers invited new people to the next trip: two more camps are planned for August. The ministers constantly receive thanks for the rich program and interesting topics of the meetings, which have repeatedly made them think about life guidelines. Half of the participants were eager to go to the Carpathians again. Since the creation of the «Christ is the answer» church in the city of Rivne, 1300 people have rested in the mountains, and this is not the limit.

Created 8 July 2021 12:32


All areas of service of the community are carried out through voluntary donations of caring people. The most important thing is not the size of the donation, but the attitude and condition of the heart. God sees our needs and seeks to deprive us of our worries. He also wants to see the love and sacrifice of our grateful hearts. «Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver!» (2 Cor. 9:7).


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