
Eight years of active charitable and evangelistic work for Christ is the Answer Church in Rivne

Created 7 February 2024 14:53

Eight years of active charitable and evangelistic work for Christ is the Answer Church in Rivne

This weekend Christ is the Answer Church celebrated the eighth anniversary of its ministry in the Rivne region. The ministers and members of the church took stock of their work and made plans for the future.

The main areas of ministry of the Christian congregation are charity and evangelism.
One of the best areas of charity is the organisation of eye clinics in Rivne and the region, in educational institutions, prisons and nursing homes.
As a result, more than 7,000 people have received free medical consultations and free glasses. Hundreds of food parcels were distributed to the needy.
Church volunteers have been running the Feed the Needy campaign in Rivne since autumn 2023. Everyone receives a delicious lunch and a word of support.
Since the outbreak of full-scale war in Ukraine, the brothers and sisters have been actively helping internally displaced people. Hundreds of people have received help food, basic necessities, attention and support from caring people.
The Church also cares for the military. Several dozen pairs of boots, food and medicine have been sent to our defenders through the efforts of church volunteers.
More than 100 orphans and internally displaced people were able to enjoy a free holiday in the Carpathians, where the church organises tourist trips. In total, 34 trips for more than 1,500 people have been organised over eight years.
In the Rivne region, there have been 20 holiday camps for adults and children, 150 children’s parties and sports grounds. Visitors to the events take part in interesting competitions and enjoy free cotton candy and popcorn.
Pastor Taras Sen preaches the Word of God on television. Over the past eight years, more than 7,000 television programmes have been broadcast on 11 local and international channels (programmes featuring Taras Sen are broadcast on Mongolian and Ethiopian television).
In 2023, the Rivne Rakurs public information newspaper began publishing a section called “Spirituality Perspective”, which includes news from Christ is the Answer Church, life stories of people who have received an answer from God, and spiritual and educational materials. The local radio station “Respect” has been broadcasting Taras Sen’s Christ is the Answer programmes since October. The well-known Rivne magazine “Rivniany” often publishes church news, recommendations from pastors and instructive life stories.
The Word of God is also spread through the all-Ukrainian newspaper Christ is the Answer, Christian calendars and other spiritual literature. In the Rivne region more than 1 million 200 thousand newspapers, 450 thousand calendars, tens of thousands of New Testaments and other literature have been distributed.
More than 600 billboards have been erected on the streets of Rivne over the past eight years to remind residents of the importance of family values, observing and fulfilling God’s commandments, and moral and ethical standards.
Pastor Taras Sen received two state awards for his humanitarian work from the President of Ukraine and the head of the regional administration.
The eighth anniversary celebrations took place on 2, 3 and 4 February. On 2 February, after the worship service at the Karavan Hotel complex, the brothers and sisters had dinner together, watched videos of the church’s activities, shared testimonies of God’s help in their lives and prayed together.
On the 3rd and 4th of February, festive services were held in the Tekstilnyk Cultural Centre, attended by over 300 people. Many people from Rivne, who had been visiting eye clinics or the Carpathians, came to wish Christ is the Answer Church a happy birthday. The service was accompanied by beautiful singing from the church’s music group and guests from Kyiv and the Rivne region.
Pastor Taras Sen thanked the active members of the church for their significant contribution to the ministry and presented them with certificates and gifts.
“I have been attending services at Christ is the Answer Church for five years. I am very thankful to God for bringing me to this church because I feel like a real family here. Here I have support and I have found joy and peace for my soul. Christ is the source of our peace and our truth. He inspires us to do good and to love one another. I am happy that I can serve with my brothers and sisters and help wherever I can,” said Svetlana Omelchuk, a member of Christ is the Answer Church.
On Sunday, Christ is the Answer missionaries from Zaporizhzhya and Friendly Church Pastor Serhiy Tyurikov from Kharkiv region, Temple of God’s Glory Pastor Oleg Abaturov and Christian musician Oleksandr Kolonitsky, Courage Church Pastor Sano Gukasyan from Rivne visited the meeting and spoke about God’s miracles in their lives.
“I heartily congratulate Christ is the Answer Church on its birthday! I wish it success and good fruit for the glory of God. We are glad that the church stands with those who serve in Rivne, because you have become a blessing to our city,” said Pastor Oleg Abaturov.
Pastors prayed for healing from illness and deliverance from depression, anxiety and sleeplessness. Many people prayed a prayer of repentance and were set free from addictions.
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor. He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed” Luke. 4:18. As Jesus Christ carried out His ministry on earth, the anointing of God’s power worked through Him to help, to preach the Good News, to set the oppressed free, to heal the broken-hearted. God does not want people to live in fear, depression and powerlessness because of their sinful lives. The Lord gives true freedom and joy,” said Pastor Taras Sen.
Traditionally, after the service, everyone was treated to tea and sweets and received a magnet as a souvenir.
Christ is the Answer Church continues to help the people of Rivne through charity events and volunteer work for the benefit of the city and Ukraine as a whole.

Press Centre of Christ Is the Answer Church.

Created 7 February 2024 14:53


All areas of service of the community are carried out through voluntary donations of caring people. The most important thing is not the size of the donation, but the attitude and condition of the heart. God sees our needs and seeks to deprive us of our worries. He also wants to see the love and sacrifice of our grateful hearts. «Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver!» (2 Cor. 9:7).


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