
Fathers and sons went rafting on the Sluch river.

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it
Proverbs 22:6
Created 21 August 2021 14:01

Fathers and sons went rafting on the Sluch river.

On July 23-25, the «Christ is the Answer» church from the city of Rivne carried out an annual rafting on the Sluch river.

The camp was held for the workers of the media department for the second time: the participants were representatives of the «OGO» Publishing House, the newspapers «Rivne Vechirne», «Rivne-Rakurs», «7 days» and a journalist of the «Radio M», a radio station of the Kyiv city. Two families of police officers and several orphans were also invited.

«It is very pleasant to serve journalists, because they are the ones who form the opinion of society. I noticed that the attitude of many vacationers to the Bible, God and believers changed when they saw that christians are adequate people who can have a good time doing good deeds» – Taras Sen, pastor of the «Christ is the answer» church, the city of Rivne.

Vacationers stayed in Mezhygiria in the «Olesya» estate. In 5 days, they visited the Shypit waterfall, Geyser, Synevir pass, Brown Bear Rehabilitation Center, Lake Synevyr, Arpad line bunker, and on Mount Gimba they managed to eat blueberries which they had gathered themselves. In addition to excursions, the organizers arranged a hike, picnics in the mountains, general games and quizzes with prizes, and in their free time, there was an opportunity to sit by the river or walk around the village.

«To say that I liked the trip will be too limited. I’m just full of impressions, they are bubbling. This is an incredible beauty of nature, wild nature, which is so lacking in cities. There is nothing more interesting than communicating with people, especially in the bosom of nature. People need to break out here to feel this beauty» – Daria Guzenkova, journalist of the «Rivne Vechirne» newspapers, the city of Rivne.

The ministers wanted to show the camp participants God’s love, so they created the best conditions for them. Anyone who had never heard of the sacrifice of Christ could read the passages from the Bible placed on five banners in the dining room. Daily morning meetings were held, where everyone watched videos, listened to testimonies, songs and lectures on spiritual topics. The hosts have prepared a Sunday school for children with interesting stories, games and gifts. The days full of difficult routes and emotions ended with warm evening conversations around the campfire. Several times, volunteers treated adults and children with cotton candy and popcorn. The friendly atmosphere united all the participants of the holiday and allowed them to get to know each other better.

«This trip exceeded all my expectations. The staff, organization, excursions – everything is at the highest level. There are also forests in Kiev, but they can not be compared with the mountain nature. I remember the testimonies of people in whose lives God acted. In a simple, accessible language, people were told the Word of God, told about the person of Jesus. People have a limited understanding of who God is. But at the meetings that were held in a mega-simple and interesting way, God was shown as a Great Person» – Tetiana Pysarenko, psychologist, radio host of Radio M, the city of Kiev.

Before going home, the tour participants received a book and a souvenir, the last evening ended with a festive fireworks display. And in social networks there are already photos of happy faces who for the first time in their lives saw the beauty of the picturesque Ukrainian Carpathians.

Created 21 August 2021 14:01


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