
Hundreds of people received glasses for free from the «Christ is the Answer» mission their eyes and turn them from darkness to light...
Acts 26:18
Created 8 December 2021 15:27

Hundreds of people received glasses for free from the «Christ is the Answer» mission

On November 27 in Rivne, Kherson and the village of Velyka Snetynka (Fastiv district, Kiev region), charity eye check events organized by missionaries and volunteers of the «Christ is the Answer» mission took place.

Hundreds of people had their eyesight checked for free, received advice from an experienced doctor and glasses as a gift. An interesting conversation about God and the Bible took place over a cup of tea. Christian newspapers and calendars were presented to everyone.
«People asked a lot of questions when we announced the Word of God to them.It was obvious that they were interested in the topic.Such actions have a positive impact on the relations between the brothers and sisters of our church. Because the common good always unites» – Grygorii Tyshchuk, missionary, the city of Rivne.
On November 17-18, the ophthalmology clinic was held in the city of Netishyn. More than 200 people were examined for free and received glasses.
«God is kind. When we do good, we reflect God. This is what inspires me to organize charity events. During the existence of the «Christ is the Answer» church in the city of Rivnr more than 4 thousand people have had their eyesight checked by a professional doctor for free and received glasses. Eye clinics are an important business especially for retired people. That’s why we’re trying to involve other people to this. One of the main goals of my stay in Netishyn is to transfer experience in conducting clinics to local ministers. I really want them to continue this work in the Khmelnitsky region» – Taras Sen, pastor of the «Christ is the Answer» church.

Created 8 December 2021 15:27


All areas of service of the community are carried out through voluntary donations of caring people. The most important thing is not the size of the donation, but the attitude and condition of the heart. God sees our needs and seeks to deprive us of our worries. He also wants to see the love and sacrifice of our grateful hearts. «Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver!» (2 Cor. 9:7).


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