
Jesus is the only way to salvation!

Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved
Acts 4:12
Created 8 December 2021 15:46

Jesus is the only way to salvation!

Once again the «Christ is the Answer» mission places the billboards on the streets of the city of Rivne to remind the residents of our city about simple but instructive truths.

As you know, 90% of the information a person perceives through vision. Walking down the street, everyone will involuntarily pay attention to a large-scale billboard.
For example, the inscription: «Live, talk and think as you want, but know: God will bring you to judgment for everything! Seek God. Go to Church» makes you think about the consequences of your life. Because for every word, deed, and even opinion, a person will have to give an answer before God. And in front of Him there will be no opportunity to lie or justify himself. It is already worth thinking about what our life is like. Are we ready to face God’s judgment? If not, then where to look for a way out? Only in Jesus Christ! Only He can save from sins, but without repentance God does not forgive. Faith in Jesus is our justification before God. These and other equally useful truths are highlighted by the 19 billboards that were placed on the streets in October and November.
The Bible teaches: «Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.» (II Timothy 4:2). And although this command was given by the Apostle Paul for the young minister Timothy many years ago, it has not lost its relevance in our time. Therefore, missionaries and volunteers of the «Christ is the Answer» mission make a lot of efforts to preach the Gospel in every possible way and convert people to God.

Created 8 December 2021 15:46


All areas of service of the community are carried out through voluntary donations of caring people. The most important thing is not the size of the donation, but the attitude and condition of the heart. God sees our needs and seeks to deprive us of our worries. He also wants to see the love and sacrifice of our grateful hearts. «Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver!» (2 Cor. 9:7).


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