
Orphans and teachers from Donbass rested in the Carpathians

Created 20 January 2022 16:37

Orphans and teachers from Donbass rested in the Carpathians

The 27th holiday camp in the Carpathians, organized by the «Christ is the answer» church, gathered more than 50 people, including 25 orphans, teachers from Donbass, a team of trip organizers, 10 guests from the Rivne region. The winter camp was held from January 10 to 15.

The picturesque town of Yaremche warmly welcomed every participant of the trip. Despite the weather forecasts, the weather conditions pleased both adults and children. Listening to reviews about the camp, it becomes clear that people liked everything: socializing, excursions, and snow-covered landscapes.
Participants had an opportunity to visit Bukovel twice and go skiing. No less exciting were excursions to the dinosaur park, to the upside-down house, to the Dovbush rocks, to the Probiy and Guk waterfalls. Especially good impressions were made by climbing Rokyta mountain on off-road vehicles. Participants say that everything they saw took their breath away. And on the mountain, everyone savored fragrant Carpathian tea and traditional hutsul dishes.
«It was incredibly good! I realized in Sunday school classes and meetings that the Lord opens His heart to man to prove that He needs us, we are His children, and He wants us to be with Him. I was also impressed by the jeep ride. We were climbing a mountain with a group. When you see the majesty of the mountains that God created, your heart is filled with gratitude for Him!» – Nazar Ksendziuk, a disciple of a family-type orphanage.
Each day began with a general meeting, where everyone listened to the sermon of the word of God, Christian songs, testimonies, and watched beautiful videos. Children attended Sunday school, where they were told instructive Bible stories and held contests. For attending classes and good behavior, boys and girls received points, for which they were able to buy a good gift at the fair on the last day: toys, books, stationery.
The guests also enjoyed the evening meetings. The team organized a screening of educational films for young people. Everyone was treated to popcorn and cotton candy. At the same time, adults held thematic conversations in a pleasant, homely atmosphere. Guests from Donbass, and especially those who are in the Carpathians for the first time, were delighted with the trip.
«The trip enriched me both spiritually and physically. This unique moment will be remembered for a lifetime. I really enjoyed the evening meetings, where we had the opportunity to exchange experiences, talk about family and life values. If we adhere to the values that the Bible carries, then we will live our lives with happiness!» – Olexii Holovatyi, headmaster of School 7, the city of Toretsk, Donetsk region.
«The special thing about this trip was that the Lord’s Grace was very active in our meetings. People felt God as their being; they felt God’s Word touch and change their hearts. We really hope that there will be good changes in the hearts of both children and adults. And the Word they have heard will save them from many mistakes and guide them to God» – Taras Sen, pastor of the «Christ is the answer» church.
The 27th trip to the Carpathians ended, as always: with a bright, festive salute.

Created 20 January 2022 16:37


All areas of service of the community are carried out through voluntary donations of caring people. The most important thing is not the size of the donation, but the attitude and condition of the heart. God sees our needs and seeks to deprive us of our worries. He also wants to see the love and sacrifice of our grateful hearts. «Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver!» (2 Cor. 9:7).


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