
Ministries in the East of Ukraine

Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it
Proverbs 3:27

When the war came to Ukraine

For five years in the East of our country there is a real war, which by coincidence is called the anti-terrorist operation. During this time, more than one thousand people gave their lives for Ukraine, more than ten thousand were injured, left disabled, or left their homes, becoming internally displaced. After returning from the arrest of LPR, for three years pastor Taras Sen gathers missionary teams and takes them to Eastern Ukraine. Services, children's parties and charity events are regularly held for the local population of Luhansk region. In the East, the ministers of the church open eye clinics, where visitors can check their vision and get free glasses. The volunteers of the mission from time to time visit the hospice, where they distribute christian literature and gifts, preach, pray for the patients. Spiritual and psychological consultations with ATO participants and their relatives, food packages, medicines and hygiene products help to establish relations with war veterans and their families. Interesting events and trips to christian camps are constantly organized for children affected by the war.



With a master's degree in religious studies and a certificate of volunteer Center of social services Rivne regional council, pastor Taras Sen regularly holds lectures on religious, moral and ethical topics in schools, colleges, universities of Eastern and Western Ukraine. Invariably, the most relevant topics are stories about the life and mission of Jesus Christ. We are very grateful to God that the management of educational institutions meet us halfway, allowing us to tell the younger generation about Jesus Christ.

Ophthalmological clinics

Ophthalmological clinics

Church ministers regularly organize ophthalmological clinics in the Eastern regions of Ukraine. Due to the difficult financial situation, a lot of people can’t afford to get full medical help and buy quality glasses. At the charitable eye clinics, anyone who needs an ophthalmologist's advice can be examined free of charge and receive glasses as a gift. In one day, the doctor checks the eyesight of 50-60 patients. Waiting for their turn, people are treated with tea; listen to testimonies from people's lives, read christian literature and take newspapers, calendars, booklets if they will. After a professional consultation with an ophthalmologist, local residents receive free eyeglasses. Because of this, people can not only see better. Some people hear about God for the first time and, seeing the good deeds that His servants do, they also open their hearts to God. And this is the most important thing in our ministry!

Food parcels

Food parcels

Unfortunately, with high prices and low pensions, not all people can fully provide themselves with the necessary food. We try to make life a little easier for those people who have no one to call for help. Regularly we buy food parcels for low-income pensioners and distribute them in the East regions of Ukraine.


All areas of service of the community are carried out through voluntary donations of caring people. The most important thing is not the size of the donation, but the attitude and condition of the heart. God sees our needs and seeks to deprive us of our worries. He also wants to see the love and sacrifice of our grateful hearts. «Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver!» (2 Cor. 9:7).


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